Friday, September 30, 2005
Joys n Rant..

Don's such a sweet teddy bear.. he knew i had a crappy wednesday n gave me chocolates as a form of encouragement!! aawww.... i'm so touched! Uncle Don, "ah ger" (as u always call me) will work hard for this final lap ok... thanks! life is sweet cos of nice ppl like u... *heave a sigh of relief* My day's made so much better...
I'm turned off with the environment in my school.. seriously turned off. i am taught not to be a nice person cos it will put me on e losing end. class on wednesday: scanning through the works of my classmates, i saw a series of print outs tat has similar art direction as mine.

her ads has e exact same layout but black background. her pictures were exactly e same concept. 1 of them was like durians and she superimposed strawberries as the fruit. its e exact same double-take images i uses here. totally pissed off! i'm pissed off cos from wk 1 of the project, no one gives her a damn. her work was thrashy and everyone talked behind her but no one offered help. when she approached me for help, u guys think i'll ever say no? selfish n claudia dont click. i jus never expect her to rip my idea off completely. come on! creativity is plagarism undetected. u wanna do it? at least do it in a smart way? or pls make sure u r so damn good u beat me flat i'll have nothing to say. literally turns me off completely. why over e yrs in lasalle i cant even find someone i can call my fren?
was talking to my ex classmate online. she said "why u take things so seriously? jus make use of them and then dump la! everyone is like that these days wat!!" it slapped me in the face.. so everyone is so selfish and disgusting and ungracious.. sorry but i cant stoop tat low to be at that level. but e sad fact is, indeed everyone is like tat in lasalle!! my gosh... u dunno how thankful i am to know i only haf half a yr to go at this hell hole... u dunno i'm already counting down to graduating and never step back to this place again.
yes i know advertising is a really bitchy scene. seriously wonder how am i to handle all e stabbings in future.. being emotional is one thing. how can i ever be this merciless and bitchy?!?! gosh!! i seriously wont allow myself to become tat way. period. thing is i have no problems making frens out of school and at work. working relationship has always been rather pleasant. ya i know some will say its jus cos i haven seen the real world yet. but why is the world even like tat? such a sad fact... i jus cant come to term with this. never wanna come to term to it. why cant we jus make a difference?? sigh....
of cos by thursday i was already less whiney n nt talking abt it as much. then austin asked how was workcheck.. so tat got me writing.. its already friday.. 530am.. sigh.. my work's like crap. someone give me some positive inspirations pls? i'm not being racist, but i defintely not gonna let tat copycat indian (straight from INDIA) to score better than me. i'll stab her if she does man! stab her stab her stab her!!!! DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!! mus make voodoo outta left over cloth and put her name on it man...
ok! ranting over.. oh! now i wonder.. why i get charged for this posting.. "racism" issue? hahaa.. bloggers mus be careful with our words these days. but i'm pretty sure when it comes to vulgarities n racism... check out tat infamous rockson's blog man.. 99% filled with hokkien profanities.. all the "san zi jing" starts shooting.. man.. i had a headache trying to read! sigh.. totally tired now. good night folks... 2nite i actually miss laine n raymond.. haven been hearing much from them. anyhoo! wkend's coming.. chick's commissioning.. hang on for pics man!