Friday, September 23, 2005
completely knocked out e moment i hit e bed last nite.. e next moment i woke up was noon. i haven slept this soundly for a long time. its good to wake up feeling recharged, thou e weather's perfect to be tucked under ur blanket, sipping warm mocha and reading ur favourite novel again.
yesterday was fun.. met up with laine in town, walked ard a bit and headed to arab street and haji lane... felt like we went back into time. our memories were relived. its like the bits n pieces of our forgotten memories came back to us. e vintage store we visited, spotted those macdonalds toy tat we "die die must have" when we were kids. heheee... jukebox. if its still working i would haf lugged it home. $3000.. worth it. when i have a house of my own..
got colorful beaded jewellery @ $5 only.. n there's this cosy bakery we walked in to tat served sinful cakes. comparable with Bakerzinn's warm choc cake and BigO's indecent obsession.. n there's also where we received june's email thru my hp.. "virgin email from UK" ok... heheee

this is the praline mousse.. has this layer of raspberry filling in between chocolate and hazelnut mousse with a layer of crusty praline on top.. heavenly!!

strawberry tart.. toasted mashmellows atop strawberries tat were so sweet i'm so sure they're imported.. the tart layer is so thin u didn't even notice it. but e crust is so nice too.. OOooo... (^.^)
such heavenly indulgence for only $4 each.. how wonderful can life be? hehee..
while we head towards home, decided to wind thru the selegie "flea market".. basically old ah pek selling wierd things ranging from electronics to CDs to jewelleries to counterfeit watches.. was hoping i could find a nice vintage watch but i realised they're v much like those we saw in KL's "she shiong gai".. nothing really antique n vintage. actually a bit thrashy. but the experience was nice.. given its our first time! hehee... but i felt a bit violated. apparently i was e only girl ard and i was in skirt. sheezzz...
n so we walked n walked.. where's e MRT station? i dunno. hehe.. we found ourselves in rows of shop houses so run down it reminded us e days we were in bangkok.. e same way we were walking endlessly trying to look for e train station. hehee.. we found mustafa SC.. the first time i was in this much talked abt place. unexpected bought perfume there. hehe.. not those coconut scented one la!! bought my Gucci envy for only $39 and Hugo Deep red for only $55.. how could i resist such temptations? heheee...
ok then... officially we headed home on NEL.. short shopping trip but i felt we covered so much.. like a cultural n heritage trail. hehee.. amidst our stress, its good to let our hair down and enjoy half a day... we rest to ensure a longer journey. Cheers! to our great day....