Tuesday, September 27, 2005
ok jus minutes ago i wanted to post some random pictures but this site wouldn't allow me cos its under maintainence.. sheezz! turned off.. so its gonna be another wordy post. wanted to post e pic i forced my photographer to take for me. hahaa.. yes i forced him. jus too bad cos i love bullying him. Don's like a teddy bear. he's always in his "white" tee which already turned milk color and his tummy.. always haf this "qing qie gan" cos he reminds me of my teddy bear. jus tat my bear has fur and his "fur patch atop" is already fading. muahahaa... he's gonna kill me if he ever sees this...

yeah!! ok posting works.. i'm being vain again but who cares? portfolio is expensive. ask tat Don help me take he say 5k.. ask Jacque he say standard price which is 10k for his commercial shoot. its ok.. i'll con Don into taking pic for me everytime i see him. prob by dec i'll haf my album and i'll show him n thank him for his service. hahaaa....

i'm jus vaining again... but my self portrait skill also nt bad rite? hahaa...
ok i cant stop laughing away now cos i'm reading a thrashy thread. anyway some SG guy in US, ordered porridge and carrot cake for breakfast.. after eating mac for days, they were so happy to see "Zhok and chai tow kuay".. thou expensive, e thought of eating asian food made it all worth it. when e food came, the guy went like "porridge How come got those raisin and honey pour inside one? And the carrot cake is not chye tow kuay. Is really cake make from carrot.".......... almost died laughing.. sounded like some country bumpkin haven been out to see e world... sad... n ken was saying i'm pathetic. he should read this man...
ok more pics...

mood shots.. so depressing to see june leave tat day.... sigh...
i'm tired. more pics to come.. its 3am n i'm still here. class at 930am. later see how i die. hahaa....