Sunday, October 09, 2005
Cold Saturday..
woo... cant believe i'm freezing. didn't even on my aircon. rainy day.. its nice to tuck under blankie now. hehe..
i'm in a good mood today. in fact very good mood. 1 of the reason is we're celebrating our dear raymond's birthday. alot of uncertainties the whole wk ahead cos he almost couldn't get outta camp. think he's been pretty faithfully going to church. tat's why God decided he deserve his weekend to celebrate his 21st birthday with his beloved friends.. hehee.... i'm sure there'll be loads of pictures to upload tmr..
anyway.. there's another thing tat got me really happy but i guess i shan't disclose for now cos nothing's concrete yet.. nothing to do with relationships as raymond speculated. its work base.. so when i get things sorted out n confirmed, i'll declare it. hehe.. for me only my close buddies know.. *ssshhhh...*

Obviously Geetha was Hungry.. (^.^)

The birthday boy Martin...

The chocolate cake tat would put all other chocolate cake to shame.. man it was heavenly sin!!

Its Janice on e left.. Valerie on e right.. the french girl in e centre.. her name's O'furly.. hope i spelt tat right..

Ok i cant remember wat shooter is this.. was it B52 or the cock sucking cowboy? *scratch head* but both were nice anyway...

The final showdown.. Flaming Sambuca..
right.. there were more pics.. jus tat i'm nt too good with this cam so it turned out blur.. anyway.. hopefully better pictures 2nite! :D