Saturday, October 29, 2005
TGIF (again)
went to my hair stylist today n got my hair done.. i love the new cut. thou i still look e same jus e length is shorter. but the way she did it, the length was jus nice, she layered the ends so it curves inwards and created an illusion of a small face. hehee.. perhaps i look 500 grams lighter now? hahaa....

i met e girls for supper at jalan kayu.. best friends never fail to walk away feeling it was the best conversation ever. u jus wish time wont pass n u can jus talk on forever.. girls we mus do tat again soon. i'm wishing exams be over soon so tat it'll be lots of travelling and lots of bitching seesion! basically talked abt anything n everything under e moon..
we're too tired of e "getting to know someone" process. work/studies are so taxing these days, at the end of the work week u jus wanna crash with someone close n jus be urself. with close friends, u can jus talk abt anything n everything. dont haf to mind e language, dont haf to be prim n proper.. n u jus haf to speak half e word n they jus get it instinctively. tat's how amazing friendship is..!!!
guess i wanna address this here: was talking to austin online e other day and something shoot off him tat actually hurt me quite a deal. he was down, and while i was trying to liven up e conv, told him abt how my sis n her colleagues tried to intro this "very nice looking n gentlemen" guy (according to them),, then he say i should go out n make more friends n
stop sticking to him. came so sudden i didn't know how to comprehand. perhaps cos of his foul mood he didn't mean it in e not nice way. but i took to seriously. it hurts cos i felt this someone i call my best friend, didn't understand me. its nt tat i dont haf friends. there'll always be ppl there for me to haf fun with. there'll always be someone up n ready for clubbing especially. but my hectic schedule n stressful job nature drives me to jus wanna spend quality time with loved ones. its nt tat im nt going out. i jus chose to go out with you.
i still met him as normal on thurs for movie. he probably didn't know i took it to heart. but i guess indeed i was disappointed with e harsh statement. n perhaps after our trip next wk i'd thrash things out a bit with him. being a bugging fly's e last thing i wanna be.
dreamt of june coming back from UK last nite. i miss her so much. wish she's there with us tonight.. at least she's having a relatively slower n relaxed life in birmingham. im glad she's settling in well. ger u better post us more pics on our common blog!! miss u much...