Sunday, November 20, 2005
Gonna be quite a bit of pictures to update.
Wednesday - had a long meeting that night.. ended ard 1145pm. "Princess Biatch" Sue Lynn returned from OZ.. was "booked" way ahead to haf dinner n crash on the 16th Nov. but apparently dinner became supper. I had my dinner only at past 12mn.. we decided to grab a couple of lemonate n drink vodka and jus crash out at Sue's place, which is jus a street from me.. typically things girls do: *SNAP!*

Sue's "refugee".. ever messed up room.. then again u should haf seen mine! haha..

She jus love silly shots!

Drunk?? :D

I told u Ah Sue jus love silly shots! haha..

AH!! What kinda explicit shot is this?!?!

And finally.... a nice prim n proper shot!!
Saturday - Day started really really early.. barely caught enough sleep n i had to work at 8 in e morning.. rush.. rush.. rush... Decided to try my luck by buying the "RENT" sandwich @ Spinelli's.. but nope! i didn't get to win the tickets to this musical i really wanna catch.. well jus too bad i'm seriously broke now.. so i can only dream on! sobz...
i met elaine after her exams at far east sq.. then headed to s'goon gardens to meet sue for lunch. lots of memories lunching at cafe cartel and chatting at coffee beans. that's where we used to hang out with our dear june during our secondary school days.. time flies! had been years since the last time we returned. it was jus so much to catch up on lost times and of course reminising the beautiful memories we once shared... *one tear drop*...
i decided to clear my wardrobe cos these girls jus love picking up stuffs from my pile of unwanted clothes. its funny. i'm such a horrible shopper, within the pile of unworn clothes are even some brand new stuff i've never worn.. i wonder wat "provoked" me to buy anyway. anyway elaine left my place with a huge bag of barangs, inclusive of her XIAO DING DANG!!

hehe.. after she left, we started preparing for our night out.. should haf seen how much time sue spent putting on makeup! i jus cant really be bothered.. heheee... perhaps this was the HINT! there'll be no men to lust over anway. hahaaa.... indeed true i tell u!!
we headed to Cafe Iguana at clarke quay.. its a nice place.. serves wonderful huge ass margaritas.. but SHUCKS! no men.. pathetic.. no cute men at all for us to snigger at.. gosh! e night is wasted. hehee... anyway we left at midnight and headed to liquid room. were badly disappointed with e crowd. young punks as young as probably 17 and ah lians.. *sigh* wats happening to girls these days... looking like sluts and call girls are in thing now? perhaps i really am old.. *shake head*
but i'm really glad to catch Laverne and Weiling at the "sauna-like" dance floor.. i'm very very sure i'll not return there ever again.. bad clubbing experience.. should haf stuck to Zouk! anywayz.. pictures' time!

I love these beautiful wine racks tat towers the bar counter..
We ordered a fried Burito and it came with 5 diff spice sauces.. AMAZING! but i still prefer Tabasco.. find e rest not spicy enough!
Poor Sue.. she lost a drinking game n i made her suck up the ultimate chilli sauce from her nose.
*ok jus joking... she's jus being crappy as usual!!*

Oh we heard men gets turned on with lesbian acts... IS THAT TRUE??
*Girls gone wild after a couple of shots...*