Friday, July 28, 2006
Girls' Nite out....
It was an a ultimately happening n wonderful "post-birthday" celebration... Jus elaine, june n me!
We girls decided to go for a sumptuous dinner @ hotstones, boat quay. Got a table by the riverside, accompanied with yummilicious food and bestest friends.. What else can i ask for in life at this moment?
A whole nite of cam-whoring.. our newly repaired digital n elaine's present, the polaroid cam.. U can imagine how much pictures we snapped! Now its jus waiting for elaine to load the pictures up n flood this page to make u blind! :D
After dinner at hotstones we headed to Cafe Iguanas for a Macho margarita.. Yes their signature huge-ass margarita - peach flavoured. It was so much catching up, talking abt our goals, meeting 20 yrs from now to celebrate our birthdays at Equinox! hahaa... n i'll pick elaine up from her office with my helicopter since she's pretty sure she'll be slogging her ass off then. I'm sure it'll be some world bank or finance MNC.. (with a landing pad.. elaine mus include in ur job resume ok! haha..)
So after drinks, we headed to Elaine's place to crash in!! Mahjong time... *weeee...~!*
After a couple of rounds, we were kinda tipsy.. chat lying in bed.. Elaine took our the pictures we took when in sec sch. Remember those photo stickers n card we went nuts on back in the 90s? Only realise how gross we looked like when we review them almost 10 yrs down e road. Hahaa.. n we tot we were e "hippiest" n e "coolest"?? Well we're still proud to say we were STILL better than e ah-lians back then. Hehee... It was the era of film cameras. We took lots of pictures and developed every single piece, pretty or ugly. No choice.. but it was so much fun laughing at ourselves, our dumb hairstyles, silly poses, devil-may-care attitude.. We were so happy n carefree back then...
Now that we're in the digital era, everything's in jpeg.. everything's in e-book form. 1 power failure may jus wipe ur hard disc clean. n there goes the memories...
Yeah! I'm soooo looking forward to the next Girl's night out..!!
Am gonna arrange for a great cook out at my place soon. ;)
Monday, July 10, 2006
Life is jus about to start anew for me. Uni is starting in Sept and i'm already almost fully recovered, mentally and physically. It has been almost a year since i joined my new agency. I've gained some very valuable experience n some major additions to my portfolio. My family has been more stable.. Dear is also picking up financially. The future seems bright and well. I jus cross my fingers nothing happens to shatter this beautiful picture again...
Counting to date, I've been resting for half a year already. Of which, i spent most of the time searching for the real purpose of my existence. Depression was like a downward spiral. One moment i found myself slipping down, the next i cant seem to pick myself up again. I never thought i'd let myself go down like i didn't have a choice. I'm always portrayed as "strong", "capable", "positive" and "cheerful". Suddenly my soul seem to have left me and i started freaking out searching for myself.
No amount of talk therapy helped me. Following up was a alot of medications and stabilizers and even a stay in the psychiatric ward. Stabilizers seem to eliminate all kinds of emotions. Even the happy ones. Day in day out i felt like a zombie - completely emotionless. I'm not happy when i'm suppose to be, I cant cry when i really need to. Why did i haf to practically live off these tablets?
I never thought depression could be this real. So real i cant work, cant study, cant move on with life. It jus gets worse when u dont get the understanding from people like ur lecturers and employers. But i'm so glad my family stood by me, my friends supported me, my love was there for me all the same.
Getting back on my feet has been hard. I can jus keep saying i'm glad and still glad.
While lady luck begins smiling at me again, all aspects of my life seems to be improving. My soul is finally awake again. I'm so glad to be going back to school.. so glad i have great employers n clients that were completely understanding.. so ultra glad i'm moving on with my life newly recharged, gained a new perspective n new outlook for life...
I'm turning 22 in a couple of weeks.. I pray its my turning point.. n new life here i come!! :D
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Been more than a week since i've been coughing.. Contracted Bronchitis. Thankfully i saw a specialist n am recovering now. Perhaps its the medicines that making me drowsy all day.. i've been sleeping like a pig..
Had several wierd dreams these days.. 1 nite i dreamt of my ex. It felt wierd cos this person hasn't came to my mind for some time. Last nite, i had a nice dream.. Was travelling alone in thailand. i look forward to my next backpacking trip. i miss travelling...
I've been real bored at home. Apart from sleeping n watching tv, nothing much happened.
Its saturday. N i'm having the runs again. Am i allergic to the weekends or wat? Hmm...