Tuesday, November 28, 2006
// $h¡tty Tue$dªy //
Tuesday turned out to be downright shitty. Like a thousand times worse.
The morning started bright and early at 730am. Woke up and made my way to laine's place.. i got my hair done, i tried to cover a bit of my readings but i succumb to her cableTV's vicious channel 55.
Day started turning real shitty after i got home bcos i am freaking tired. Had a bad night tossing and turning.. I gotta admit i was even tempted to tell elaine i'm not going over today. So the moment i got home, i gobbled lunch and collapse in bed without even changing. *YUCKS* (tat's how freaking tired i am!)
Today my inner soul hit me in the butt n told me its time i get alive n start living A LIFE. time to stop procrastinating.. time to do the right things.. time to focus on my work n stop spending time arguing on shitty things.