Friday, November 17, 2006
:: Reminisce ::
Its a nice way to start your friday morning with a cuppa vanilla latte and indulge in a great book even thou there's a pile of work right in front of you but u simply dont care. Simply because it's friday.
Junie baby has finally gotten a blog n i think her blogskin is so nice... then it struck me its time for me to change mine cos its seem kinda dark. Its time to make a conscious effort to add some colors to my life. ;)
This week has been somewhat fulfilling. Overall i feel a little spiritually recharged and cleared a tiny bit of work off hand. Sitting by the window at Starbucks United Sq, once again.. This place is great for chill out and work. I love this place bcos it is so therapeutic to sit by the window tat overlooks a manmade waterfall and has lots of natural light in my favourite cosy corner. The best feature attached is a powerpoint for my laptop.
Early this year when i was depressed, there was endless amount of writings done here. Then suddenly i stopped writing when i was recovering from the loss of the love of my life. There jus doesn't seem so much to talk abt anymore. Or maybe no amount of talking will bring him back. This is also the place i buck up enough courage to text him goodbye.. also the place we spent some good evenings having coffee and jus spending quality time together. The good old days are jus beautiful.
Perhaps experiencing the loss of a nice guy last week kinda woke me up and set me in place a little. I realise we have to treasure whatever time we have here in this place with our loved ones.. Be it at times they jus piss the hell outta u, the time we have together ticks by every second and u jus never know when's we're seperating. There really isn't much time to mourn the loss and live in the past. There is jus so much ahead in life for me to look out for.
I've always felt lost abt my life. But this journey of seeking the right path and charging my spiritual health empowers me and assures me when i finally know what i want, i will charge on without looking back.. I'm looking forward to that. And for now i'll try my best to love everyone around me more. There is no time for regrets in life.