Monday, November 27, 2006
• Lªzy M•ndªy •
I know I should be clearing the pile of work that is stacking sky high.. But i cant help it that my mind starts wondering all over the place.
I am so tired today. Cant wake up on time again.. I cant help but feel agitated when my agenda for e day gets affected by unforeseen circumstances. Like my sixth sense is telling me now i'm gonna accomplish nothing for today.
I think i'm too intoxicated by coffee. Every now and then i feel my heart pumping faster and harder than usual. Then my head feels light.. *shake shake* I should quit caffeine.
These days I'm on the topic about myself. Ok at times i think all the time its about me myself and i. But i cant always live for others, can i? At least recent months i feel better when i start thinking and doing things for myself.. following my heart and listening to myself n myself only. Perhaps i've learnt the term "selfish" better now. For good or for bad? I suppose there's no answer to that.