Wednesday, November 01, 2006
my nightmare has jus started.
i'm starting on my essays already. first dateline to meet is 2 days from now. next friday i have a paper to submit too. haven been able to get proper sleep. heart has been palpitating alot recently. i guess its the effect of stress.. cant remember how many times i got awaken last nite. i'm up since 545am today and started studying at abt 7am.. headed to NUS to help lainey's fren do some stuffs n mug on my papers. i'm worn out by 6pm.
i'm so tired i thought e moment i plonked on the bed, i'd drift to lalaland.. yet my mind's cant seem to stop for a sec. this is highly disturbing.
i've been having alot of dreams these days. for 2 consecutive nights, i dreamt of him.. dreamt of him lying next to me. i thought i could almost feel his presence. i opened my eyes only to find myself sitting face to face with the dark of the night... i miss him so much.
has been countless times i fight back the urge to ask how's things, to jus say hi, to tell him i miss him so.. yet i guess i've lost the rights. to let go or not.. i still cant decide. i know i have to, but i dont want to. i still wanna linger ard e same spot... still...