Thursday, November 23, 2006
[ u p s e t ]
It's another demoralising night for me.
Rhetorics paper got sent back the second time bcos there is still inadequent referencing... Can u believe it? Marker has indeed be generous enough not to fail me straight. But i feel i'm doing such a lousy job. i mus buck up!
Media paper came back jus now when i check the mail. The comment i got was pretty good, EXCEPT for my grammatical errors.. U should see the "reds" in my document... *feeling faint* Here's the grading system:
High distinction: 85 abv
Distinction: 75 - 84
Credit: 65 - 74
P1: 55 - 64
P2: 50 - 54
I merely got a P1.. *sobzzz* I was hoping I'd at least get a credit for a paper i am confident of. Sighh...
Moral of the lesson is.. There cannot be any "lets jus get it over and done with" attitude. Bcos no matter how small e weightage is, eventually it is going to reflect on my own result slip. What u reap is what u sow. U need to work doubly hard bcos things aren't as easy as secondary school anymore. Esp in an Arts course, everything is subjective. No hard and fast rules. The distinctions jus gets harder and harder to attain... There is no time to slack n bump ard!