Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Mugger in the making...
I've been working really hard today and my eyes are almost popping out. Work began to pile up and after a night of procrastination last nite, i seem to have even more stuffs to do today..
Drew up my schedule for the coming couple of weeks and it seems i'm pretty packed back to back. So in order to get my work done on time and of quality standard, i need to force myself to finish the pile of 1000 pages readers. My secret is to offer to do notes for my classmates!
Wierd as it sounds but i jus cant seem to do work for myself.. I need to put myself under some sorta pressure. In this case if my notes dont get to them on time, they might get delayed in their assigments.. not as if they wont read themselves! But its my form of scaring myself to kick start my mugger instincts.. Lolz..
Ok end of gossip time. Back to books again...