Monday, June 11, 2007
Yesterday was Junie's birthday.. I miss my dear pal. Anyhoo i made a call to UK. We haven spoke for countless months. Gotta keep things short and sweet though.. Besides she was on her way out to have fun la! Hahaa....
Here's a recap of our good old times when she was back in town last year! Just in time for my bird day..

Our Sentosa trip...

And of cos we're not complete without Elaine...
Reviewing my tasklist:
PR assignment 1 - due 18th May (Friday)CRR lecture 18th to 20th May (Fri - Sunday)AIIA assignment 2 - due 20th May (Sunday)CRR assignment 1 - due 25th May (Friday)Austin's bird day - 25th May (Friday)Clairr's wedding - 26th May (Saturday)PR assignement 2 - due 1st June (Friday) **late**Sister's wedding - 5th June (Tuesday)CRR assignment 2 - 8th June (Friday) **late**June's bird day - 10th June (Friday)CM assignment 3 - 18th June (Monday)
CRR assignment 3 - 22nd June (Friday)
AIIA assignment 3 -
10th June (Friday) *22nd June (Friday)
PR assignement 3 - 6th July (Friday)
5 very major papers due within this month.. Sounds like a nightmare but actually i'm not thinking. no time to think anyway...
Have lots to say but i haven go time and mood to update. So lets jus keep it simple and pretend life is great and smooth and i just gotta keep going. There just ain't no time to even stop and think. In a sense it's good cos there's no lamenting or wallowing in self-pity.. Or is it somehow i've gotten stronger? Whichever it is.. i'm getting on pretty well despite being busy busy and more busy....
Almost half of 2007 has passed. It's about time i do a recap on my new year resolutions! If i haven achieve them, i still have time to make things happen and save myself from having regrets..