Sunday, July 22, 2007
Lovely Friday
continuing from previous post.. so wat's on for friday nite? my dearies gave me a big surprise..
the supposed plan of rounding all my lovelies at cafe del mar on the 21st was canceled cos few of them are going for some marathon today. was disappointed actually, cos was so looking forward to it during the really horrible mugging period. who knows when its nearing then realize my plan couldn't fall through.
so after our very late dinner at the orchard hawker, we headed home. austin says car needed petrol. so we headed to river valley direction. as we chat along.. i found myself travelling from river valley to bt merah to telok blangah. claudia got conned! we are heading to cafe del mar! its such a sweet surprise.. :)
so let e pics do e talking instead..

it was a very quiet and 'lor'mantic night..

2 spastic kids.. i love them all the same :P

the 2 sluts trying damn hard to influence jonah...

drinks n pretty feets..

stupid photographer i'm not ready la!

eeekk!! koobs acting cute.. damn gross.. hurr...

this is the not-so-square jonah.. the new addition to balance the sexual imbalance in the clique. austin can now feel more manly. (hopefully...)

jonah was trying to create some smoking effect.. nice?
i cant thank em enough for the lovely surprise. great cake + booze + fantastic company. wat else can i ask for life?
oh actually if there has to be, it'd be to have audrey the big slut to stop acting camera shy.. who doesn't take picture with the birthday girl? some kinda friend.. by the way my guess is she is the mastermind behind the surprise. what kinda wierdo am i hanging out with? lolz...
it's a do or die thing. either u take a proper picture... or i tickle u..

then tat's it! i'm posting the ugly pictures and hope they irritate miss audrey viviana ng shu rong! :P