Thursday, August 02, 2007

Thinking Out Loud

I started scolding myself the moment i woke up. I read my own bittersweet post earlier on, and suddenly i was disgusted with myself.

Wassup with all the looking back and lamenting? You have moved on, he have moved on.. What's all the looking back for? Suddenly it felt damn crappy to realise that 2% of myself not moving on. Felt like i've failed and disappointed myself! It's like this sudden rush of pragmatism that overcame me. I guess this is it. I'm never gonna look back anymore.

Lalalalaaaaa.... I'm going on my Redang trip tomorrow night! Cant wait.. till i take some pics for this lonely blog..

1:52 PM 0 comments

Disclaimer :

This is my personal blog, for sharing interesting photos, pretty designs and even juicy gossips with my friends. This is also my ranting space. I scream and shout anything and everything.

This blog is also open to public.
But as mommy has taught us, don't believe every word strangers say.

Anyone is free to read and comment. It's great if u like what u see. It's just too bad if you don't, since opinion is subjective.

I thank you for dropping by anyway.