Wednesday, November 14, 2007
In Loving Memory
Baby Cocoa at 3 months old..

Baby Cocoa in my arms..
Cocoa at 2 yrs, 7 months. 1.7Kg.

Cocoa's last moments..
Today has been an ultimately bad day for me. But trust me. I'm numbed to bad days. Within the past 2 months, I've had enough blows to immune me from pain..I met June for lunch this afternoon and heads to meet my heartbroken sister shortly after to have a massage and chill out.. It was suppose to be pretty relax day. I finished my assignment last nite so i decided i shall give myself a break after meeting this morning.Sis says she promised mummy to have dinner at home. So we head straight home after massage. I discovered my hyperactive Cocoa bunny is sick and hardly moving. Delayed no further and i googled for the nearest vet tat is still open at 745pm. Thankfully a nice vet says they will keep open till 815pm instead 8pm. So i quickly packed Cocoa into the pet travel bag and dashed down.He was hardly moving at all. Cant really feel anything when the vet did a pain test. Took 2 xrays.. There was no injury and he was of a healthy weight. He probably suffered a stroke.The plan was to put him on a strong dose of antibiotics and that is to be repeated 12 hrs later. I was suppose to bring him there tmr at 10am. Now the game plan has changed. He shall be cremated at 11am tomorrow.My dear Cocoa passed away quietly without struggle at abt 1040pm.Cocoa was hyperactive was alive and he loved it when i pat him on his forehead. This smart little chap knows who's the boss. He bullies my maid and bites her at times. But ever since his spay operation he got less aggressive and has been a sweet buddy. He has left me with a permanent scar on my right index finger. I'll remember how hard his bite was. How an entire piece of skin almost came off. This bunny was full of character.Bye bye Cocoa! I'm sorry i didn't spend enough time with u and never really give u enough of my love. I only gave u enough good food to make u a healthy and chubby bunny. I hope u've been happy and not blame me too much. I promise to take care of your girl companion and spend more time with her, now that she has lost you. All animals go to heaven isn't it? I wish u're better over there right now. I love you! Thank you for the happy times u've given me.