Wednesday, February 06, 2008
My office...
Hello everyone! It's Chinese New Year's eve.. Today I specially came back to the office, cos I worry my pretty plants will wilt if I dont give them water for the next 4 days..
I am very happy as they are growing so well! The pot of flower on e left is blooming for the second time already. Not sure what its call.. Just know its from holland n has furry leaves. Hurr.. And the pot of Narcissus on the right just started blooming yesterday.. How nice.. Keeping flowers remind me of the theory, u reap what u sow.. I let them have enough sunlight and water everyday and prune the overgrown leaves so the budding flowers have enough nutrients.. It's like taking care of a pregnant woman then I see the birth of the 'baby'.. Hee...

Here's a view of my workstation...
This is considered very neat already for my standard.. I like the natural light that shines in through our high window..

This is the view from my table.. Austin sits in front of me.. I stab him from the back from time to time. How convenient.. Lol..

This is Austin's little toy.. The childish side of him.
I am jealous. I will soon lug my toys into office too! Hmpff..

On my right is my bookcase.. Half the size of Austin's.. I guess u can guess personalities from the things we bring into our work environment. I have some reference books, a box of heels in case I need to run out to meet clients.. There's also bags too, rite next to the box of shoes..

And you can see for yourself the amount of food I stock up in the office.. Mostly fattening and sinful. Hur hur...

Alrights.. It's time to change and set off for reunion dinner at the airport.. update again tonight!