Friday, April 25, 2008
Apply iPhone..
Chanced upon the news today, Apple will be releasing the 3G iPhone in June, later this year. And it so happened that dear Koobin was so generous to lend me his iPhone to try it out, so i'm gonna talk abt it a bit here..

Austin and I constantly talked abt it since last year.. We say, when iPhone is released in SG, we will go grab it, and hopefully by then, our little studio would have started making some bucks to allow us this luxury. I'd really love to have a phone that synchonises with my mac, since all the phones i've used, its software is not compatible with mac platforms.
So so.. the iPhone is one ultra sleek phone. There are also some nice features.. Eg. when u're browsing websites, all u have to do is jus turn ur phone, and the screen becomes landscape. Intelligent, ya? Ok maybe u guys would have already watched the iPhone's ads when they demonstrate all e functions. So i shall jus get to e things i hate abt iPhone.
Bcos it is a full touch screen, it's so hard to SMS when u cant feel the buttons. Also it's SMS function is by QWERT keyboard style, not keypad. Trust me, even without fat fingers, it's really hard to type a msg without clicking on e wrong alphabet. And there's no forward SMS function. SMS is getting on my nerves.
Camera function is very basic. Jus point n snap. Nothing to adjust e settings or whatsoever. I cant bluetooth e picture out, so i think without e cable u cant transfer it. U can choose to email it though.. So comparatively, i am glad my hardy SE k800i lived up to its name of a camera phone..
Talking abt tat, i've dropped my SE several times and it's still in tact and working pretty much fine.. I would dare drop the iPhone, since it's not mine, and also, i suspect it may not be able to withstand much shock. IT's too pretty to even withstand oily fingers or scratches. I find myself constantly polishing the touch screen cos i am simply anal abt fingerprints and grease..
So, it's day 2 of using the iPhone. I have already decided to jus use it as an iPod, and switch back to my SE..
My conclusion is, I'll prob get an iPod touch instead of the iPhone, and keep using my hardy SE till it drops dead on me.
Still.. Thanks Koobs! It's so generous of u to borrow me ur iPhone.. Muackss...!!