Tuesday, May 20, 2008
In a conversation with 1 of my ex today, it occurs to me that he thought I left him bcos of the way his way of life was then. This kinda shocked me. Not bcos that's how the way he's judging me, but the fact that there was no reflection on himself.. The blame of an ended relationship was shifted to me. Of cos, i may be wrong.. Maybe it's just a man's ego, he prefers not to disclose he admitting his mistakes. (Man here refers to all mankind, not gender wise.)
I'm not trying to dig into the dead past again.
I'm just a tad taken back, together with a couple other events that took place earlier, at generally how a human's behaviour changes dramatically at a turn of situation. Sometimes, all it takes is one incident, to change our impression of a best friend or even a family member..
It's human instinct to be defensive when we sense a threat. The way we defend ourselves differs from individual. Some choose to lie their way through. Some choose to insist they are right even if they realise they are wrong. While some chooses to escape. (Embarrassingly, I'm the escapist!)
So what i'm really trying to say is, everyone ard us is different. We just have to embrace this difference and not look too hard into the differences.. It's easy to point fingers and identify mistakes of others. The real challenge is to look into ourselves and come to terms with our own flaws and mistakes..
It is much easier to let things go, when u allow more love into your heart..
I believe that, this period of trial allows me the opportunity to learn to love the ppl ard me unconditionally.. Some relatives come to visit my mum and made tactless remarks like, "hang in there, mum wont be here for long..." etc etc..
I've gone beyond getting angry with them, but to learn to appreciate the effort for them to visit and spend some time with her.. Anger is pointless.