Sunday, September 14, 2008
Pics galore
Yum Cha at Red Star restaurant on a Sunday morning some weeks back... Still cant believe I got up at 8am on a Sunday just to have dim sum. But it's all worth the effort... The best dim sum I've had in a long long time!
Roasted Pigeon.. (not those u seen on the streets thou!)

8 bowls of dessert for 5 greedy pigs.. (2 out of sight)

The satisfaction is showing on the faces..

Wassup with that bitchy look dude... I'm not gonna steal ur siew mai.. :P
"Road Trip" last night..

As usual, chick was the ladies' driver.. So nice of him to pluck me up from office at 10pm too! I think partly it was on the account of the "Percy pigs and friends" I bought last week.. Hee...
But see! He looks happy to drive us too! :D

I brought the gang to the open space at Keppel Bay. Yes these days i've been talking alot about Keppel Bay. It's a nice place! Great

Just chilling out..
There's more pics on elaine's camera.. I brought mooncake along to share the love. Post them soon...