Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Deleted e prev post.. let e past be gone with e wind...
i'm actually tired of writing. have nothing much to say, apart tat i'm trying to come to term with my health condition and accepting treatment..
i had so much energy earlier on. i was very ready to do something abt my life. knowingly my memory is bad, i write every single thing in my note book n bring it all over. i haf no problem sitting somewhere eating lunch alone.. shopping alone was even more fun thou i was forgetful n sometimes gets lost.. but i was so prepared n confident to get well.
new medication is making me more depressed than i've ever been. jus sleeping all day. dont wanna go out cos e crowd freaks me out. somehow seeing e new psychiatrist, diagnose me with some other more serious terms, kinda crushed my ego n im afraid to get out of house. i hope this is jus like they say, "teething period".. it'll eventually go away n i'll be well.
anyway i asked for medication to calm my mum down, n now mum is so much better. so much happier than b4. i'm so glad for this tremendous change cos a little adjustment from her makes e whole family happy. i'm more willing to stay home now. sleeping is much easier now. but apparently too easy i'm sleeping almost 24/7.
i wanna get out there n do something. i need things to occupy my mind but i cant get back to work cos i'm too sleepy to for now. i need company but everyone's only free at night. my noon time is jus slacking away.. n by e time evening comes i'm jus too tired and depressed to get out. i'm really tired..
but i'm glad support from my family is tremendous.. the little acts from austin are nice.. i know everyone is busy but its jus nice to know they made time for me n i appreciate it alot..
Thursday, February 16, 2006
My Valentine...
Its Thursday morning.. 4:15am.. Insomnia gets the better of me...
Let me update this space.. thou i'm nt even sure if anyone ever reads it anymore.. hm...
*warning.. Its Valentine's... things are sugary n sweet.. DO NOT PROCEED if u cant take it.. :P*
Valentine's Day... my dear Austin n i decided to keep things simple cos we dont see e point of being ripped off by the evil merchants.. Had dinner at NYDC Holland V.. While waiting for food, a couple walked in. Man was holding a bouquet of pink roses. At least 99 stalks.. First thought in my mind: "KEEP OUTTA MY WAY!"... (i'm allergic la..!) *shook head* Poor guy.. Yet another "Chai tao" kena TOK.. at least $500 for tat?? hahahaa.... Poor thing... anyway my nose has been nice i didn't have much allergic reaction. *phew...*
We escaped the area b4 crowd sinks in and flood the area.. Headed to Harbourfront, walked ard jus like any other normal day. Then we headed back to his place to watch DVD but i dozed off cos i'm way too tired. it seems like i only get to really sleep well at his place these days.. my own house is jus too stressful for me to sleep.
Anyway... i know u're waiting for this exciting part. What did i receive from my dearie? hahaa... what makes this guy special to me is he always give me surprises.. well apart from the "surprise" he gave me... the one he didn't wan me to mention.. :P.. see the pic and see how special is he...
"These 2 figurines may seem e wierdest gifts ever.. i thought so too initially...
yet after reading the cards attached with it
its jus e sweetest gift ever..."

"he pouts... (actually act cute la...)hahaa..."

"while i enjoy my earl grey cooler..."

"my FOREST OF MUSHROOM spaghetti..."
then what's my present for him?? aiya i cant finish it in time lor.. sob sob... i'm so sorry abt it.. but "MAN GONG CHU XI HUO.." trust me it'll be quality stuff with deep meanings too. heee... carry on waiting ok.. :P
"I wish time will jus stop at this moment...
things jus seem perfect...
life is jus beautiful to haf a shoulder to lean on..."
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Valentine's Day...
Its Valentine's noon... i'm still wondering wat's e hoo-haa abt this supposedly Lover's day... sorry but its my negativity tat's musking my day up. dont see wat's its all abt. nevertheless i'm still looking forward to surprises?? well if there is in e first place....
i remember every yr at this day, i'd receive something special from a very special fren.. all the way from australia, i'd receive bags of nougats and flowers.. it feels a bit sour now while i talk abt it cos somehow i felt i've lost this fren..
anyway... thou i'm nt feeling super enthusiatic abt this special day, i did prepare a little gift for my special one.. but know wat? its nt completed yet. hahaaa... ok i haf another 5 hrs to go work on it and another hr to change n make myself look pretty b4 i go out. hahaa....
wishing everyone haf a happy day.. thou i know singles would rather stay home n watch TV... :P
Flower Blog 2

My wonderfully bloomed Amaryllis... 5 in bloom... another 2 coming up!
now i'm already getting upset tat it'll soon wilt.. hm.... lets savour e beauty while it still last....
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Flower Blog
Bought a pot of Amaryllis at Ikea last friday.. see how it's blooming under my care..

This pot of beautiful flower has been a nice support to me.. giving it sufficient water daily, sunning it regularly.. it has indeed bloomed.. a total of 7 buds! 1 has bloomed almost fully... how beautiful nature is...