Friday, December 23, 2005
2nd "not-too-merry" christmas in a row..
xmas 2005.. i'm sick.. i'm tired.. i'm having a headache.. i haf unplesant memories flooding my head.. *sigh*
its another day i jus wanna stay home n sleep till boxing day.. nurse my persistent headache.. sip hot choc (made in my "hug mug") in bed.. mug on dan brown.. take control of e TV remote control and jus rot through xmas. it'll be perfect if snow flakes glide across e sky... *AAaWww*...
Its one of the best day night out.. with my dearest frens.. even doing nothing at all will be e best time ever...
met up with june's fren to pick up her gift n xmas cards for her family which she has air flown all the way from UK.. then ray n i headed to wheelocks place. this place is getting lively! i love shoe gazing at Substance. they always haf nice pretty shoes which i jus look n never buy cos its always outta budget for me. hehee.. anyway raymond is so sweet. he bought dinner at The simple life. food turned out rather nice.. thou it was jus chicken rice and beef hor fun. place was pretty quiet. i like e ambient. esp when we saw e crowd at fish&co b4 we left.. i'm so thankful i chose to dine there in peace n nt a mad crowd..
* The chicken rice.. Surprisingly its nice!*
*Raymond trying to be funny.... don't u think he looks better without glasses now?*
we met cindy and elaine later.. the shopping begins! i didn't spend as much as i thought i would.. perhaps crowd has been pretty much a turn off. u should see e human jam.. pretty scary if u're nt in e right mental state. i was ever "lost" in wisma cos e crowd was so overwhelming tat i lost orientation. my mind jus went blank n i couldn't remember my purpose of going there. scary? or is it jus me.. the scatterbrain claudia. haa...
*the amazing crowd*
the rest are random pictures.. i'll let them tell its story. too tired to blabber too much. its another day of xmas shoping madness tmr... n headache is killing me as usual.. i'm tring to sleep early. Oh! did i say early? its 3:55am already.. sheezz...

Thursday, December 22, 2005
Third night of misery. The desperation begins to set in. I search my room for sleeping pills in vain.. I'm beginning to feel frustrated. But i'm still containing it by meditating, praying, watching tv, reading, etc etc.. I jus cant sleep.. ARGH!!!
its a lousy wednesday.. plagued by splitting headaches and gastric pain. asprins instantaneously became my other best friend..
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Its crazy. Day 2 of insomnia.. 6am n i'm still wide awake.. someone should knock me out! argh....
Monday, December 19, 2005
Blissful Monday..
Its gonna be a movie marathon week for me.. Caught KingKong a while ago.. the movie is nice.. but like Austin, i dont like e ending cos its way too sad.. i thought KingKong would be brought back to his home or at least not die. Shit man.. there's so much animal abuse scenes! pls tell me its all CGs..
anyway i'm gonna catch Family stone with my sis tmr.. its a charity screening. one of those xmas family drama kinda thing.
then wednesday gonna catch The Promise with Rudy.. n its MAMBO night!! i wonder if any of the girls will join me.. hhmmm...
thursday i plan to watch chronicles of Narnia.. no concrete plans yet. so i'd say still pending.
friday is like e big day! i love groceries shopping! n we're gonna be preparing for Saturday.. Xmas eve! wooo.. i'm excited! i love the shopping n the cooking part.. so Rudy if u're reading this, take note u're in charge of cleaning! hahaa.....
so i guess my week is more or less packed.. im gonna let my hair down n party on.. n worry abt work next week. haha.. my 150 illustrations is breathing down my neck! but heck! i'm gonna put it aside for a while...
hm... seeing austin today made me though.. it has been so long since i've caught my buddies.. wat happened to my bunch of brudders?? jeekhen.. raymond.. xuan.. guang n ace.. been e longest time since we've hung out. e last time was like.. raymond's bday? tat was more than 2 months back. even austin.. i haven seen him for more than a week. i've been seeing the most of rudy.. the guy who goes EEKKKK... hahaaa... last wk at harry's was hell of a good time thou..
oh elaine reminded me abt thursday shopping madness! hahaa... midnight shopping!! YEAH!! its way too cool... shop shop shop!!! yipee......!!!!
2006 is jus round the corner.. almost 2 wks to go. yet i jus feel like doing some self reflection now..
waking up to a message, telling me its nt a nice thing to drink over my limit often.. at e instance i had the impulse to retort.. to defend myself.. to reply "i dont drink tat often".. but i held back. at 9am in e morning, after a night of drinking.. i sit up in bed and "self reflected".
when was e last time i drank? well b4 last nite it was abt 3 wks back with laine n jeff.. e night i had an overdose of japanese sake even b4 i met e guys for magaritas at iguanas. i got to buddy's place reeking of alcohol. that ain't a nice thing to do. guess for e sake of my own health n how i dunno how to behave myself, i should stop drinking once n for how.. like how i stopped smoking n never touched it again.
somehow i got led to thinking abt my character..
i always think i'm right. there should be more room for humility, more room for grace.
something has to be done abt my spending habits. should learn to manage my finances in a better manner.
simplicity is one virtue i still cant grasp hold of.
2005 gotta be one of the worst yr i've had for the whole 21 yrs of my life. i cant say 2006 will be better cos "shit always happens". but i can say it proudly i'll be able to handle things better.. wat doesn't breaks us jus makes us stronger.. i'm definitely stronger now tat i've walked this very difficult year all alone.. i did it.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Can u resist?
Can u resist navigating through a site without clicking your mouse???I visited this highly interesting site that introduced a brand new interface. No clicks. Question is can u resist? The funny thing is it irritates me in a funny way. U jus WANNA CLICK! Its cool.. its interesting.. Visit HERE... Enjoy..
Monday, December 12, 2005
HAppy Whiskey!
Raymond brought his dogs to meet us the other day.. they were simply too adorable! but sorry i'm bias.. i love whiskey more than his little charcoal. hehee.. how can anyone not love whiskey more.. this schnauzer is fat like a little lamb.. lazy like a piglet. hahaa.. simply melts ur heart...

Look at him! Whiskey's pear shape butt!!! heheee.... ray should change his name to MARY.. 'cause...
"MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB.... LITTLE LAMB... LITTLE LAMB... ..."hahahaaaaaa........ lame..